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La irrupción de la inteligencia artificial en el mundo de la programación

Oct 2023

 Fifteen years ago, when finishing writing some complex code, I used to think, "Okay, let's run it so I can at least correct the typing errors, distractions, etc." It was sometimes a...
Teletrabajo 2023

Oct 2023

Personally, I started providing web programming and consulting services since 2002. In other words, a few years before the pandemic :-), so when the time came to stay at home working, absolutely...
PHP: el lenguaje que corre en las sombras

Oct 2023

 For several years now, I've noticed that PHP is consistently omitted from popularity rankings or usage statistics. This absence is striking both in moderately public and private sites. Here...
Es Wordpress una plataforma confiable?

Oct 2024

In the latest month at Lampminds we have suffered a close-to-massive attack to Wordpress sites. As a result several of our clients ended with broken Wordpress websites. They had to use backups, and...